The Management Control Association is involved in organising several events each year:
ONLINE MCA WORKSHOP – 14th of February 2025
We invite papers or extended abstracts for presentation at the online MCA workshop on the 14th of February 2025, facilitated by Loughborough University. The format of the MCA workshop includes research presentations with discussant feedback.
We welcome empirical and theoretical contributions focusing on any topics within the management accounting and control field. Qualitative works developing critical insights into control processes and recognising the organisational, personal and social contexts of control are especially encouraged.
For submissions, please send your draft paper/extended abstract to Dr Anna Raffoni (MCA Council Member): by 27th of January 2025.
Also, please let us know if you wish to register as a participant only or as a discussant only at least 10 days before the event.
As this is a FREE event and it will take place online – the program and login information will be forwarded to all participants in early February 2025.
in association with the
14 – 15th November 2024
Informing the Management Accounting Curriculum
Plenary speakers:
Professor Roland Speklé, Nyenrode University, Netherlands
Professor Emeritus Trevor Hopper, Sussex University
Professor Joan Ballentine, Ulster University
Professor Wim van de Stede, LSE (Editor in chief of Management Accounting Research)
Recruitment Consultant, Reed Group, Birmingham office
Local employer (from Jaguar Land Rover) of management accountants
Research in various stages of development may be presented. PhD-students and early career researchers are particularly encouraged to present their work. Management accounting scholars are also encouraged to participate in workshop sessions, panel discussions and presentations.
Extended Abstract /Full paper submission extended: 9th September 2024
Please submit to |
Sway Information page:
Conference secretariat contact details: Maria Podsiadly,
12-13 September 2024- European MCA Symposium
Our annual two-day European symposium this year will take place at Universidad Pablo de Olavide (Sevilla) on 12-13 September 2024.
Program: schedule (V4)_
Please note that participants will be required to pay for their own transport to Universidad Pablo de Olavide, Sevilla, accommodation, and transfers between the airport or station. However, there is no conference fee payable. Participants must commit to attending in person (there will be no on-line attendance).
Scientific Committee:
Pr. Elaine HARRIS (University of Roehampton Business School, London)
Pr. Melina MANOCHIN (University of Birmingham)
Ph. D. Juan Manuel RAMON-JERONIMO (Universidad Pablo de Olavide, Sevilla)
Pr. Bruno COHANIER (EADA Business School, Barcelona)
Pr. Leonardo RINALDI (Royal Holloway University of London)
Pr. Philippe ZARLOWSKI (ESCP Business School, Paris)
16 February 2024, MCA online workshop
We invite papers or extended abstracts for presentation at the online MCA workshop on the 16th of February 2024, facilitated by the University of Birmingham. The format of the MCA workshop includes research presentations with discussant feedback.
For submissions, please send your draft paper/extended abstract to Dr Melina Manochin (MCA Honorary Secretary): by 1st of February 2024. Also, please let us know if you wish to register as a participant only or as a discussant only at least 10 days before the event.
As this a FREE event and it will take place online – the program and login information will be forwarded to all participants in early February 2024.
MCA workshop 2024 call for papers
The Management Control Association (MCA)
is a network of researchers who are interested in the broad area of control in organisations.
The ethos of the MCA is to develop critical insights into control processes and encourage research that recognises the organisational, personal and social contexts of control.
The MCA is a registered charity whose aim is to encourage and sponsor research and scholarship. A Council is responsible for MCA affairs, and it has a particular interest in developing new academics.
The activities of the MCA revolve around the aim of encouraging research.
Each year we are involved in organising various events in Europe and the UK. Anyone is welcome to attend either to give a paper or to discuss the work presented (membership is a condition). The papers might be ‘finished’ work or work in progress. Sometimes people bring their research ideas to seek help in developing a tighter focus. Both new and established researchers make presentations. The aim is to have diversity and to provide a rigorous yet supportive environment.
Every three years the MCA holds an international conference to bring together researchers in Management Control from around the world. The last conference was at the University of Durham UK in June (2023). Previous conferences have been held at the University of Roehampton, UK in June (2019), University of Antwerp, Belgium in September (2016), Nyenrode University in the Netherlands (2013), University of Greenwich, London (2010), ESPC- EAP Paris (2007), Herriot-Watt, Edinburgh (2004), Royal Holloway University of London (2001), the University of Reading (1998) London (1995, 1989) and at HEC Jouy-en-Josas, France in 1992 (with the help of Professor Michel Lebas).
The MCA provides seedcorn funding for its members for research projects, subject to funds being available. Amounts of funding are small ( up to £3,000) and the MCA Council makes decisions on a case by case basis.
Members of the MCA have edited/contributed in scholarly publications, including the books below:
Jack, L 2019, Accounting and Social Theory: An Introduction. Kyoyookkwahaksa Publishing.Accounting and Social Theory: An introduction – 1st Edition – Lisa Ja (
Harris, E. ed., 2017. The Routledge companion to performance management and control. Routledge.The Routledge Companion to Performance Management and Control – 1st Ed
Management Control and Uncertainty, David Otley & Kim Soin (eds), Palgrave Macmillan (2014), ISBN 978-1-137-39210-7 (Management Control and Uncertainty | SpringerLink)
Management Control: Theories, Issues and Practices, eds A.J. Berry, J. Broadbent and D. Otley
Critical Perspectives in Management Control, eds W.F. Chua, E.A. Lowe and A. Puxty
New Perspectives in Management Control, eds J. Machin and E.A. Lowe
Review Paper
Berry, A. J., Coad, A.F., Harris, E.P., Otley, D.T., and Stringer, C. (2009) ‘Emerging Themes in Management Control: A review of recent literature’ British Accounting Review, 41(1), 2-20. the journal is at and is available full text at
Membership Scheme
Attendance at conferences and workshops are open to all but we do have a membership scheme. This will ensure that you are on the lists and receive details of the workshops. It also allows you to present at any of our events. It also supports our seedcorn research-funding scheme for junior researchers.
Please support the MCA by joining – our annual membership is a recommended donation of just £10! (payable in other currencies – see How to Join tab above).
The funds help to pay the costs of the four workshop meetings, website and professional fees, and the out of pocket expenses of the organising Council. Often the host institution is kind enough to sponsor the lunch and accommodation for us.